

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dollhouse Enclosure Project

Earlier this year I had made the resolution that I would come up with a way to enclose one of my dollhouses.  I had made an attempt in the past using clear plastic panels and thin sheet magnets, but it turned out that the magnets weren’t strong enough to hold together.

I had toyed with the idea of using Velcro and plastic panels.  This idea had progressed to the point that I bought some thin green Velcro that was intended to be used for gardening that I planned to use, but had never gotten much further with my progress. 

The project made it onto my list of 2012 resolutions and pretty much remained in the background as I worked on the other items on my list of resolutions.  After talking to my dad via Skype on Christmas day about my dollhouse, I suddenly felt inspired to work on enclosing the house again.

After purchasing a few more supplies for the project last night, I set to work on it again early in the afternoon.  Using clear Tacky glue, I glued pieces of the thin green Velcro to the top and bottom opening of the living room.  Then, I glued sections of the Velcro to the clear plastic panels, carefully matching up the lengths of Velcro that had been glued to the opening around the living room.

I set the plastic panel aside, and when I returned I expected that the glue would’ve set.  Unfortunately, I learned that the Tacky glue wasn’t holding the Velcro to the plastic very well.  I lamented at this and my husband suggested that I use super glue. 

I think I’ve mentioned in a previous post about my miniature projects that I have almost a phobia about working with super glue.  My fear is still intact, but I did follow my husband’s suggestion and tried using super glue to adhere the Velcro to the plastic panels.  This appears to have worked out great.

We’ll see what happens as this project progresses.  So far, only one room is enclosed on one side of the house.  I have the panel for the 2nd floor bedroom in the works now and will try it out on the house tomorrow.

The back side of the dollhouse will be the biggest challenge because I’ll have to use more than one panel to cover it.  I haven’t quite worked out how I’ll make this work, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.